Gel Plates were used throughout the 19th and 20th centuries as a simple way to copy small sheets of paper. Believe it or not, this simplicity also made it a favorite tool of spies looking to pass messages back and forth!

We don’t think any secret agents are planning to stop by the library, but you’ll be able to try out this process during Gel Plate Mono Prints, the next program in our Art Instruction With Irondequoit Art Club series.

Leslie Werlin, a retired art therapist and member of the Irondequoit Art Club, will help you explore the process of making monoprints with a reusable gelatin printing plate.

Participants will learn the basics of using gelatin plates with stencils, stamps, and other textural objects to create images on paper. And if you’d like to further embellish your print with other art materials, please feel free to bring them.

You’ll also want to bring an art smock, and if you have them, a Gel Plate and brayer as well. But don’t worry, we’ll have several Gel Plates to share, along with plenty of paint and paper.

Art Instruction With Irondequoit Art Club: Gel Plate Mono Prints will be held on Wednesday, March 13, at 12:00 PM. If you’d like to attend this program, please register now through our Event Calendar.

Published on February 14, 2024.

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