Bewitching, Alex Flinn
Tells the story of Kendra, a witch, and the first three-hundred years of her life, including takes on a classic fairy tale, the 1666 plague in Britain, the Titanic disaster, and the story of a modern-day, plain stepsister.

The Boy on Cinnamon Street, Phoebe Stone
Since a tragedy she cannot remember, thirteen-year-old Louise has changed her name, given up gymnastics, moved in with her grandparents, and locked her feelings inside but through her friends Reni and Hen and notes from a secret admirer she begins to find herself again.

The Boy Project (Notes and Observations of Kara McAllister), Kami Kinard
Eighth-grader Kara McAllister chronicles her efforts when she tries to use the scientific method to transform her social blunders into romantic victories.

My Awesome Awful Popularity Plan, Seth Rudetsky
Chubby, Jewish, and gay high school sophomore Justin Goldblatt plans to become popular by the end of the year, but instead of dating the star quarterback he catches the eye of Becky, the quarterback’s girlfriend, while his best friend, Spencer, stops speaking to him.

Fever (Chemical Garden Trilogy, Book 2), Lauren DeStefano
In a future where genetic engineering has cured humanity of all diseases and defects but has also produced a virus that kills all females by age twenty and all males by the age twenty-five, teenaged Rhine escapes her forced marriage and journeys back to New York to find her twin brother.

Published on February 24, 2012.

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