Walk to Connect 2: The Irondequoit Library
Saturday, June 2, 2012

New Registration Packet Pick-Up (Both Branches): 8 AM – 9 AM
(Pre-Registration Packet Pick-Up Times Below)
Walk: 9 AM – 11 AM
Activities & Entertainment: 10 AM – 1 PM

Thank You for signing up for our Friends Walk Event on Saturday, June 2, 2012! Our Walk is scheduled for 9 AM – 11 AM, although Walkers may begin earlier if they choose. This is a non-competitive event & no prizes are being given out. We just want you to have a nice outing for all the right reasons!

There will be Packet pick-ups on the dates shown below for those who have already registered, as well as for new registrations. Raffle tickets are available all of those dates (rules and prize list available here). Tickets are 50 cents each or 14 tickets for $5.00. Tickets for a Nook are $3.00 each. Raffle tickets on Saturday, June 2 will be sold at both Branches until about noon. The raffle drawings are at 12:30 PM on Saturday, June 2, 2012 at Evans Branch. You do not have to be present to win.

Packet Pick-Ups

  • Wednesday, May 30 from 4 PM – 7 PM at McGraw Branch, 2180 E. Ridge Road
  • Thursday, May 31, from 4 PM – 7 PM at Evans Branch, 45 Cooper Road
  • Saturday, June 2 from 8 AM – 9 AM at both branches

Day of Walk
Parking – The branches are both open for regular business & we ask Walkers to park at nearby lots close to each branch (see below) to allow patrons not participating in the event access to the Library & to accommodate our Walk shuttle bus.

For Evans, parking is very, very limited. Please Note that you may NOT park in either the Chase Bank or at the United Church of Christ parking lots that day. Both have business/events of their own.

Parking is available at the Irondequoit Plaza at the intersection of Hudson & Titus, just west of Cooper Road & the Library. As you proceed back (east) from the Plaza to the Evans Branch, please cross the streets with the lights & in the crosswalks.

For McGraw, there are similar problems with possible traffic jams and we would request you consider parking at the Culver Ridge Plaza, right across Ridge Road.

Please park responsibly. Again, we request you take care to cross in the crosswalks and with the lights.

Bathroom Facilities are available at each branch from 8:00 AM.

The Walk itself is 2.7 miles, one-way (5.4 miles for the round trip) and can be started from either branch. Most of the route is along Titus Avenue & both routes are the same from either branch, just in the reverse direction.

Walk Route – It’s a sidewalks only route & to follow the sidewalks requires some crossing back & forth on Titus. Walkers may begin when they choose, but please remember, the Library branches will not open until 10 AM (Bathrooms will be available at each branch at 8 AM). The Shuttle will start at Evans at approximately 9:15 AM & begin looping around with select stops, taking about 20 minutes for a round trip to be completed. We will have crossing guards at major intersections to assist Walkers.

From McGraw (2180 E. Ridge Road):

  • E. Ridge Road (west) to Culver Road, turn right (north) onto Culver, follow to
  • Titus Avenue, cross Titus (north) first – then turn left & cross Culver so you are now on Titus (heading west)
  • Continue (west) past the front of the Irondequoit Town Hall, (where there is a Water station) to corner of
  • Portland/Oakview, where you’ll first cross Titus (south), then turn right, & cross Portland (west)
  • Stay on Titus (west) to Cooper Road, at the I-Square plaza crosswalk, cross Titus (north), then left to cross Cooper (west)
  • Turn right (north) on Cooper to the Evans branch. (45 Cooper Road)

From Evans (45 Cooper Road):

  • Cooper (south) to Titus corner, cross Cooper (east), then cross Titus (south) Follow
  • Titus (east) to corner of Portland/ Oakview, cross Portland first (east), then cross Titus (north) & turn right (east)
  • Proceed on Titus (east) past the Irondequoit Town Hall (Water station) to corner of
  • Culver & Titus, where you’ll cross Culver (east), then cross Titus (south), proceed on Culver (south) to
  • Ridge Road, turn left (east) & follow to McGraw branch (2180 E. Ridge Road)

Shuttle Bus – For those who think any of the distances are beyond their walking limits, or need a way back to their starting point, or don’t want to Walk at all but want to visit the other branch, there will be a Shuttle Bus with two stops in each direction & the stop areas will be marked-.

Shuttle Bus Stops – Looping between the two branches. A one-way trip for the Shuttle is being estimated at 20 minutes. Please note that there may be an estimated waiting time at a Shuttle stop of approximately 15-20 minutes, but could be longer.

Shuttle Bus From Evans Branch
Stop One Parking area on SE Corner of Portland at Titus (1171-1151 building)
Stop Two at 3360 Culver Road (SE corner) at Walzford – one block south of Titus, (Bus route goes to McGraw Branch via Walzford, east to Kane Drive, south to Ridge Road & west to McGraw).

Walking Distances:
Evans to Stop #1: 0.7 miles
Stop #1 to Stop #2: 1.3 miles
Stop #2 to McGraw: 0.7 miles

Shuttle Bus from McGraw Branch
Stop One: 1944 Titus Avenue (look for bus stop marker by Nancy Semal’s sign).
Stop Two: In front of the Irondequoit Town Hall, 1280 Titus Avenue
Arrive: Evans branch.

The Friends would like to thank The Reliant Community Credit Union for generously sponsoring the Shuttle Bus!

Walking Distances:
McGraw to Stop #1: 0.9 miles
Stop #1 to Stop #2: 0.9 miles
Stop #2 to Evans: 0.9 miles

(One-way trip for Shuttle is being estimated at 10 minutes. Please note that there may be waiting time at a Shuttle stop of approximately 15-20 minutes, or longer).

Both Library branches are open from 10 AM – 5 PM & will have all their regular Library Services available.

Activities & Entertainment at each Branch: 10 AM – 1 PM, except where noted & more to come:

Evans Branch:
10 AM – 1 PM – Fanciful Face Painting
10 AM – 1 PM – Wondrous Balloon Art
10 AM – 1 PM – Mike Kornrich- Happy Music for Happy Kids – & Everyone Else!
12:30 PM Raffle Drawings (You do not have to be present to win. Raffle rules and prize list available here.)

McGraw Branch:
10 AM – 1 PM – David Boyer, Caricaturist & Educator, “Portraits that flatter, not shatter”
10 AM – 1 PM – Magic Joe with slights of hand & other magical tricks
10 AM – 1 PM – Music with Eastridge High School’s own Paul & Hayden

We hope you have a great time!

View the Walk to Connect 2012 registration page for more information

Published on May 25, 2012.

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