metWhen I inquired as to a trashy book for summer reading, a charming High School senior named Molly Bacon told me about a book called How They Met, And Other Stories. David Levithan’s collection of short narratives is one that I have often walked passed on the shelves, but only on Molly’s suggestion did I ever pick it up; it is far from trashy.  The book consists of 18 love stories, not the typical “boy meets girl,” but romantic all the same. The stories range from “Starbucks Boy”, about a six-year-old matchmaker, to “A Romantic Inclination” about the most scientific crush I have ever read about.  Although the summer is nearly over I highly recommend How They Met, And Other Stories for those in search of a quick read that will also make you think about important issues facing teens. It is perfect for a beach-read or even something to curl up with when it rains. How They Met, And Other Stories by David Levithan was the perfect end of my family vacation, and if you like this book, try some of his other novels like Wide Awake and my favorite Boy Meets Boy.

Published on August 1, 2011.

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