, Sarah Blakley-Cartwright
Reviewed by:  Lemlem, grade 10.
Rating: Excellent!
A twisted version of the original red riding hood. But instead, her name is Valeria and the wolf threatens the entire village. Its first victim is her sister Lucie and from there it haunts her as she frets over the fact that the wolf could be someone she knows. I enjoyed the book because of the suspense of finding out the wolf’s identity. Plus, Valerie’s independent personality makes her the best character to tell the story of the wolf. She isn’t haunted with fear like so many of the villagers. I’d recommend this book because it has a killer cliffhanger and leaves you with so many clues to the wolf’s identity, but in the end it’s up to the reader to decide who the wolf really is.

Number the Stars, Lois Lowry
Reviewed by: Jake, grade 7.
Rating: Excellent!
This book is about the Holocaust and how Copenhagen suffered. I enjoyed this book because it had suspense and I like books about the Holocaust because I like to learn about the subject. I would recommend this book to others because I read it in a book club.

Speak, Laurie Halse Anderson
Reviewed by: Veronica, grade 8
Rating: Excellent!
This book is about a teenage girl who was raped at a party. It tells about how this girl goes through high school with that terrible memory. I enjoyed this book because the author did a fantastic job showing how much the main character goes through in her life. I would recommend this book because it allows teenage girls to relate to this incident.

The Lightning Thief, Rick Riordan
Reviewed by: Jake, Grade 7
Rating: Excellent!
This book is about a half blood (half human, half god) who faces many challenges. I enjoyed this book because it had lots of adventure and it was about Greek mythology. I would recommend this book to others because I loved it and many kids love action and adventure.

Skulduggery Pleasant, Derek Landy
Reviewed by: Meghan, grade 8
Rating: Excellent!
When Stephanie Edgely’s uncle dies, Stephanie meets Skullduggery Pleasant, the skeleton detective, and she is pulled into a world full of magic and danger. And there is no way she is going to back out of the adventure. I enjoyed this book a lot! There was humor, suspense, action, and pretty much everything that makes  a great book good! I would recommend this book to others because many kids I know have read it and liked it. It’s got action and humor rolled into one, and those are two things many readers love!

Passion: A Fallen Novel, Lauren Kate
Reviewed by: Lemlem, grade 10
Rating: Excellent!
This book takes you on the quest through Luce’s various reincarnations. Through each lifetime she has fallen for Daniel and in each lifetime she’s met the same firy death. It’s Luce’s job to change the timeless curse and in the end, understand their relationship on a whole new level. I enjoyed this book, because it was good, and I liked how it took you into so many time periods, from the Mayans to Shakespeare. She described it all with great detail. I’d recommend it because Luce love story is the kind we all wish for and if that’s not good enough, well, there is always the historical appeal.

Top of the Feud Chain, Lisi Harrison
Reviewed by: Lemlem, grade 10
Rating: Good!
The final tale of the Alphas story: Charlie, Skye, and Allie are determined to make Shira see them as Alphas. But when they end up stuck in Shira’s simulated desert, who’ll make it before sundown and become the ultimate Alpha? I enjoyed the book because it provided twists and turns. I honestly didn’t expect a happy epilogue to make up for the fact that the series is ending. I’d recommend it because it’s a great, short, and sweet book to fill some time and of course to fans of the Clique series and of Lisi Harrison in general.

Airman, Eoin Colfer
Reviewer: Meghan, grade 8
Rating: Excellent!
Conner Broekhart lives on an island off of Ireland. He is talented and even saved the princess once. But then he witnessed the assassination of the King, and the murderer frames him. He is sent to prison and the only way out is to fly. In the 1800’s, this is near impossible. I enjoyed this book because this books’ mix of genres entertained me. It was one thing after another, and the way the author wrote it makes you want to stay up until midnight to finish. He also includes the element of surprise to make it suspenseful. I would definitely recommend this book to others! It’s historical fiction but also mystery and science fiction. A mix of genres makes a book interesting to more readers.

Holes, Louis Sachar
Reviewer: Jake, grade 7
Rating: Excellent!
This book is about delinquents in a camp. I liked it because it had a lot of action and adventure and suspense. I would recommend this book to my friends because lots of my friends have recommended this book to me.

Firegirl, Tony Abbott
Reviewed by: Natalie, grade 8
Rating: Excellent!
This book is about a girl with burns on her body trying to get through stupid people at her new school. I liked this book because it was honest and bittersweet along with entertaining. I would recommend this book because it paints people better than most teen books. It shows everybody acting human, not acting perfect.

The Shadow Project, Herbie Brennan
Reviewed by: Kyle, grade 10
Rating: Good!
This book is about a boy who stumbles upon a government agency that is trying to track down a terrorist group. I liked this book because it had a large amount of excitement and is a realistic science fiction with a hint of fantasy. I would recommend this book to others because it is amusing and easy to follow with an explanatory Author’s Note at the end.

Sofi Mendoza’s Guide to Getting Lost in Mexico, Malin Alegria
Reviewer: Beca, grade 5
Rating: Good!
This book is about a 17 year old girl who goes to Mexico and gets stuck there. She has to stay with annoying relatives. I enjoyed the book because it was a thrill to read about an uptight 17 year old girl go clubbing. I would recommend this book because I think teens could learn a lesson.

My Side of the Mountain, Jean Craighead George
Reviewer: Lauren Sparacio, grade 6
Rating: Excellent!
Spoiler alert: Don’t read this review past the ** if you don’t want to know the ending of the book.
This book is about a boy, Sam. He is not happy living in a New York City apartment. So he runs away to the Catskill Mountains. Sam lives off the land. **At the end his family reads the newspaper and realized it was Sam, the boy in the woods. ** I enjoyed this book because I like nature so much. I would thus recommend this book to people who like nature.

Cold River, William Judson
Reviewer: Chase Carter, grade 8
Rating: Excellent!
The book Cold River is about a girl named Lizzy and a boy named Timothy and their father in the Adirondacks. After their father died, Lizzy and Timothy went through some hardships and never gave up. I liked this book because it shows perserverance between Lizzy and Timothy. I would recommend this book because it is a great book showing the two kids surviving.

Firegirl, Tony Abbott
Reviewer: Margaret, grade 7
Rating: Excellent!
This book is about a boy in 7th grade named Tom who meets a girl named Jessica. But Jessica is no normal child. She was burned in a terrible fire. Tom is the only kid that is a friend to Jessica and realizes the privileges and the negatives about giving up one friend for another. I definitely enjoyed this book because it gave me a way of looking at life for both the burned girl, Jessica, or one of her friends, Tom. It also made me think about how one girl can change a class forever. I would recommend this book to others because of the story it portrays and the message.

The Face on the Milk Carton, Caroline B. Cooney
Reviewer: Robin, grade 6
Rating: Excellent!
As Janie Johnson looks at the missing child picture on a milk carton she realizes that it is her. Janie tries to figure out her kidnapping with the help of others. I liked this book because it was exciting, suspenseful, and a really great mystery. i would recommend this book. It is an amazing mystery and well-written.

TTYL, Lauren Myracle
Reviewer: Rebeca, grade 5
Rating: Good!
This book is about three teenagers who are in 10th grade at high school. During the year they face boys, friendships, and teachers hitting on them. I enjoyed this book because it was funny learning. It’s a funny book for teens about high school and hardships. I would recommend this book to junior high kids so they can know what’s in store for them.

Speak, Laurie Halse Anderson
Reviewer: Hollis, grade 10
Rating: Good!
**Major spoiler alert. The whole ending is right here.**
Melinda Sorodino got raped at a summer party by Andy Evans. Melinda learned she has no real friends; she is an outcast. I did enjoy this book because I read it with my friends and we have each others’ back, unlike Melinda. I would recommend this book to others because I enjoyed this book. This is an easy read but you have to be mellow and ready for all turns.

Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Demigod Files, Rick Riordan
Reviewer: Hannah, grade 6
Rating: Excellent!
This book is about different adventures Percy Jackson has with his friends at Camp Half-Blood. These stories are very short so they couldn’t make it into its own book. There are interviews with some of the characters. I enjoyed the book because it has a lot of scary moments but they are so cool because if you think about it none of it is possible but Riordan makes it feel like you are one of the characters in the story. I would recommend this book to others because after you read this book I guarantee you will want to read the rest of the series.

Up Over Down Under, Micol Ostow & Noah Harlan
Reviewer: Hannah, grade 6
Rating: Good!
This book is about two exchange students, one from DC and another from Australia. They are in S.A.S.S.: Students Across the Seven Seas. They stay there for one semester, helping the environment. I enjoyed the book because it shows what happens on both sides of the world and the two main characters Billie and Eliza are like sister that never met and are on opposite sides of the world. I would reommend this book to people who would like to learn about Australia or Washington DC. I would also recommend this book to people who care about the environment.

Desires of the Dead, Kimberly Derting
Reviewer: Becky, grade 12
Rating: Excellent!
The book is a sequel to the Body Finder. Violet is a teenage girl that can find dead animals and people. Her best friend Jay is the only other person besides family that knows her secret. She puts herself in very dangerous situations. I loved both of the books. It was interesting and creepy but it was also cute and funny. I loved watching the relationship between Violet and Jay become romantic. It was a very good book that I would definitely recommend to others. It had my attention and I finished the second book in a few hours. I would read both books one after another because otherwise you might forget some things.

This Is What I Did, Ann Dee Ellis
Reviewer: Becky, grade 12
Rating: Good!
Logan and Zyler were best friends. Thorough the whole book, Logan has problems and has to talk to Dr. Benson. Towards the end of the book Logan tells the reader what happened. After the incident Logan and Zyler lost touch. The book left off with the reader not knowing what happened. I enjoyed this book. It was a little confusing because the reader didn’t know what Logan’s big secret was until the end but it was a very good book and it kept me wanting to know more. I would recommend this book to others. A bit confusing but it kept me on my toes because I wanted to know the big secret.

That Summer, Sarah Dessen
Reviewer: Victoria, grade 7
Rating: Excellent!
The book That Summer is about a girl named Haven. Haven is haven the worst summer ever and it doesn’t get better and all she wants is the one good summer she had to come back. I really enjoyed the book. It was exhilarating and full of the excitement that I swear when I looked on the back and read other reviews and they kept on saying that “once you start you won’t be able to stop!” and I didn’t believe them but once I got started I then started believe them as I went on. I would recommend this to kids who are becoming a teen soon or are teens and who enjoy fictional dramatic books.

Fragments, Jeffry W. Johnston
Reviewer: Becky, grade 12
Rating: Good!
Chase was in a car accident and he was the only one that survived. He had survivor’s guilt and it was destroying him because he can’t remember the accident at all. He starts remembering bits and pieces but it’s still not all there. I have mixed feelings about this book. It was very sad and hard to imagine going through something like that but it was good because more and more secrets were being revealed. I would recommend this book to others, but the readers have to be prepared for a sad story.

The Lost Hero, Rick Riordan
Reviewer: Jennie, grade 6
Rating: Excellent!
This book is about 3 kids – Piper, Leo, and Jason. They find out that they are demigods and find Camp Half-Blood. Once there, they go on a quest to save Hera, Queen of the Gods, and Piper’s dad from the giants. I enjoyed this book because it is about Greek and Roman mythology, which I am very interested in. I would recommend this book to others because the story plot is full of adventure and I think anyone would enjoy it.

Published on July 28, 2011.

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