Overdue fines and hold fees will increase on September 1, 2011. Hold fees will increase to $1.00 per item (currently $0.50 an item) while overdue fines will increase to $0.35 a day (currently $0.25 a day). This is the first overdue fine/hold fee increase in nine years.

But we’re also giving patrons the chance to receive holds at the $0.50 price for a little while longer. Both branches of the Irondequoit Library will be selling “Hold Cards” for $5.00. Each card is good only at the Irondequoit libraries and is good for ten holds at the old $0.50 rate. You can buy as many “Hold Cards” as you want between now and August 31, when this offer ends. There is no expiration date on the card.

Published on August 8, 2011.

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