When somebody retires we traditionally thank them with a dinner and some gifts along with some mementos of their work place, their colleagues and the times we all shared. We did this recently when Carla Robbins, the manager of the Evans Branch on Cooper Rd retired after more than 20 years of service to her community. If you visited the Evans Branch in the last couple of decades or so and were pleased with the experience this was a direct result of the efforts of Carla Robbins. A consummate professional, Carla directed the efforts of the library staff in making the needs of the customers paramount. Under her guidance and by her example, new customers were welcomed and regulars were treated as old friends. Never one to let her distress over budget setbacks or building problems affect service, Carla went about her mission of making the Evans Branch as good as it could be with aplomb. She always looked for opportunities to help her fellow citizens of Irondequoit improve their lives through access to library services. How do you adequately thank somebody who without fanfare or pretense devoted their professional career to improving the quality life in their community? We’ve had the dinner, the gifts and the farewells. Now we carry on with our work and follow Carla’s example of dedication and professionalism while trying to emulate her great sense of humor as well. We will do our best, of course, but Carla, you set the bar so high!

Published on August 12, 2010.

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