Get Your Library Card
A library card is available for free to all Monroe County residents (replacement cards are available for $1.00). To register for a new card, please be prepared with a government ID and/or an official document with your address (ex. a utility bill, a bank statement, etc). All fines and fees must be paid in full when updating or renewing a library card.
Already have a library card? Click Here to View Your Account
Loan Periods
3 Week Material
Books, Large Print Books, Magazines, Books on CD, and Music CDs.
2 Week Material
New Adult Books, TV Shows on DVD/Blu-ray (limit of 25), Video Games (limit of 5), and Holiday CDs.
1 Week Material
Movies on DVDs/Blu-ray/4K UHD (limit of 25)
The library also has other loanable items including Makers Lab At Home equipment and the Very Important Places (V.I.P.) Pass Program.
A fee of $0.50 will be attached to your library card for holds placed on any item that comes from another Monroe County library.
There is a limit of 25 holds per library card.
Book Drop
A drive-up book drop is positioned on the side of the building near the Kings Highway entrance. All items can be put in the book drop.

Care of Library Materials
All circulating materials owned by the Irondequoit Public Library may be borrowed with a valid library card issued by any member library of the Monroe County Library System. The materials may be returned to any member library of the Monroe County Library System. When you receive a library card you agree to be responsible for all items checked out to that card. All materials are carefully checked for damage and missing parts when returned with special attention to audio books, music CDs, DVDs, and video games.
If items are returned with a missing barcode, a $0.50 fee will be assessed. Additional fees may be assessed for damaged or missing materials and/or cases. For a complete list of fines and fees, please ask at the circulation desk.
Loan History
You must opt-in to view your Loan History:
- Go to and log in to your account.
- In the “Account Summary” tab, click on “Opt-In and Notifications” in the column on the left side of the screen.
- Check the checkbox marked “Save my loan history.” under the “Loan History Opt-In” heading.
- Click the “Save” button at the bottom of the screen.
After you click “Save,” your Loan History will begin to fill up with all the items you check out in the future. To view your Loan History, go to back to the “Account Activity” tab and click on “Loan History” in the column on the lefthand side of the screen.
Late Charges
All items returned late are assessed a $0.35 per day fee. If fines and/or fees reach a total of $20.00 borrowing privileges will be suspended until paid. Fines and fees are established by the Library Board of Trustees and the Monroe County Library System.
Maximum Late Charge Per Item: $7.00
On March 22, 2021, the Irondequoit Public Library eliminated overdue fines for all children’s and young adult materials. See our Fine Elimination FAQ for more information.
Lost Items
Materials not returned within 43 days of the due date are considered lost. Fees for lost items include the current replacement cost of the item plus a $5.00 processing fee. If materials are returned after billing occurs, only the maximum late charge is applied.
Collection Agency
Accounts totaling $35.00 or more in fines and/or lost materials are referred to the Unique Management Services collection agency 18 days after the bill for replacement has been issued. A non-returnable $20.00 service charge is added to each account referred to collection. The collection agency will make several attempts to reach you over the course of 60 days. If you receive an overdue notice or bill for replacement and you believe it is in error, please call the library and ask the librarian to check our shelves.