Into the Wild (Warriors, Book 1), Erin Hunter
Reviewed by: Meghan
Rating: Excellent!

A house cat wanders into the woods, and is offered to live in the wild. But is is hard to live in the wild, especially when nobody trusts him. How long will it take until he is trusted. I enjoyed this book because it always has a surprise around the corner. It is hard to predict what happens next and at a cat’s point of view. I recommend this book because it is exciting and good for people who like action and adventure.

Genesis Alpha, Rune Michaels
Reviewed by: Christian
Rating: Excellent

At a young age, Max needs a cure for cancer and his parents have a baby in a different way to use cells and it works but later on in life Max changes in a bad way. I enjoyed this book because this was a thriller and was a great mystery and it was hard for me to put the book down. I recommend the book because if you like mysteries then you will like this and you will not be able to take your eyes off the book.

Don’t Judge a Girl by Her Cover (Gallagher Girls, Book Three), Ally Carter
Reviewed by: Molly
Rating: Good!

This book is about a school for girl spies. One of the student’s father is running for vice president and there was an attempt on her life…or so they thought. This book is about protecting that girl and what her friends learn about each other, themselves, family, and boys. I enjoyed this book because it was just one of those books that I read to fill the time. And it’s a good book. I like the way that the author writes and I like the idea of a school for girl spies. The plot of the story was good, though I might be biased since I follow this series religiously. I would recommend the book to others because it is fun, exciting, adventurous, and you just want to keep reading it. I read the entire book in one sitting.

Pirate Loop, Simon Guerrier
Reviewed by: Zachary
Rating: Excellent!!!!!

This book is about a space ship frozen in time cycling in a loop, which means everything returns to the way it was. The loop breaks and each time it cycles it needs more and more energy. Eventually, the ship will implode from lack of power. This book was very exciting, and has plenty of sci fi adventure.  It was exciting to read from beginning to end.

The Penderwicks on Gardam Street, Jeanne Birdsall
Reviewed by: Susie
Rating: Excellent!

This book is about 4 sisters who’s mother died when they were little. When a new neighbor moves in who has a little boy (but no husband), the sisters try to make a “Save Daddy Plan” to (at first) try to get their father bad dates, but end up liking the neighbor. I enjoyed this book because it is funny and has a lot of mood in it. The characters always find ways to get into trouble one way or another and are always sneaky. I would recommend this book to others because it has a lot of twists and turns. Kids who like to read would love this book, and would want to read it over and over.


The Two Towers, J.R.R. Tolkien
Reviewed by: Carly, Grade 10
Rating: Excellent!
The second part of The Lord of the Rings tells of what happened to Merry and Pippin after Boromir is killed defending them from orcs, and how Aragorn, Legolas, and Grimli chase after them across Rohan and through Fanghorn forest. All the while, Frodo bears the ring every closer to Mordor. I thoroughly enjoyed the enthralling plot of this book and its sense of adventures, bravery, and friendship. There are cliffhangers at the end of every chapter and Tolkien never fails to keep the reader reading with the suspenseful anticipation of what will happen next. I would most certainly recommend The Two Towers to all readers young and old who raced through books like Harry Potter and the Inheritance books. The Lord of the Rings is a book that entails excitement for all fantasy lovers.

Chasing Brooklyn, Lisa Schroeder
Reviewed by: Alexis, Grade 10
Rating: Good!
Brooklyn is a teenage girl who recently lost her boyfriend Lucca to a car accident involving alcohol. When Lucca’s close friend Gabe can’t cope with the pain, he commits suicide. Throughout the book Lucca’s older brother (Nicco) chases Brooklyn to save her from pain. I did enjoy this book because it teaches kids to hold on and pull through life’s struggles. Also, it was an easy read that I finished in two days. Brooklyn’s actions which changed frequently were very realistic of a girl in her position. This book also allows the reader to discover their true passion. I would recommend this book to teens who have either lost someone close or would simply like to read a quick book. This book shows the difficulty of losing a close loved one yet shows how one can always leave room to progress.

Peace, Love, & Baby Ducks, Lauren Myracle
Reviewed by: Sage, Grade 8
Rating: Good!
This book is about two sisters who’s relationships start to become less close everytime Anna (one of the sisters) pretends to be something she’s not. I enjoyed this book because it always kept me caring more and more each time I read it. It taught a very good lesson. I also enjoyed how when the main character was upset about something I felt a little sad too. It was weird how it happened but I kinda like how the author described that part so well I felt it too. I would definitely recommend this to others because it is a fun read and if your the person who likes to read about high school topics and sorta romance this is the book for you!

Marvel Zombies, Robert Kirkman
Reviewed by: Christopher, Grade 6
Rating: Excellent!
After a flash in the sky all the Marvel heroes turn into flesh eating zombies. But when they run out of food they have a choice, die or find a way to travel for more food. I like books that are somewhat scary and a little gory, and this has all that. I would and wouldn’t recommend this because if the person likes scary and violent than yes, but to others it may be a little disturbing.

Mary Margaret, Center Stage, Christine Kole MacLean
Reviewed by: Claire, Grade 6
Rating: Good!
Mary Margaret thinks Ellie is perfect and doesn’t like it even though she saved the show with her idea to get money. Ellie got the part Cinderella in the play. She got a part she didn’t like so she became an understudy. She saved the show in many ways and did get to be in the play and make friends with Ellie. I enjoyed the book. It was strange, but Mary Margaret saved the show. I would recommend this book because it’s kind of funny, interesting, and weird. It’s not something too boring and in a way the play works out.

Prince Caspian, C.S. Lewis
Reviewed by: Rachel, Grade 11
Rating: Excellent!
This book is about Prince Caspian, who must take back the Narnian throne from the evil King Miraz.  He blows Queen Susan’s trumpet and that summons the Pevensie’s from England to help in the epic battle.  I loved this book because it showed them how even royalty are tempted to do wrong and God “Aslan”  must help them.  Also, Aslan always has a plan and always prevails.  I would recommend this to others because it is a good story that also teaches you something.

Here, There Be Dragons, James A. Owen
Reviewed by: Lauren, Grade 12
Rating: Good!
Three newly acquainted young Oxford scholars are thrown into a different world, the Archepelago, and must save it from the destruction of the vicious Winterling.  I enjoyed this book because it was a faster read than most and I just couldn’t put it down.  Great details and descriptions, along with references to other books, stories, and legends.  This is a great read for someone of any age; it is an adventure anybody can get into.

The Titan’s Curse, Rick Riordan
Reviewed by: Colby, Grade 8
Rating: Excellent!
While trying to get two demi-gods to Camp Half-Blood, Percy, Thalia, and Annabeth encounter the manticore.  In the battle, the Hunters of Artemis arrive, but Annabeth still goes off a cliff.  When Artemis also goes missing, campers and Hunters together must embark on a quest to save both Annabeth and Artemis.  I enjoyed this book because something unexpected happens at every turn.  From skeletons to rubber rat to sea-serpents that say “Moo,” you never know what’s coming next!  I would recommend this book to anyone who likes mythology or has read the first two books in the Percy Jackson series.

The Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins
Reviewed by: Taisha, Grade 10
Rating: Excellent!
This book is about a girl named Katniss who saves her sister from the Hunger Games.  It’s a fight-til-the-death competition between 24 kids and one must be the winner.  I love it because it’s an amazing story that has you guessing what’s going to happen next, and I would recommend this to others who enjoy futuristic stories.

Espressology, Christina Springer
Reviewed by: Alexis, Grade 10
Rating: Good!
The idea of this book was unlike any other.  Jane works at a coffee shop to save money for college.  One day she notices mannerisms of specific people who order specific drinks.  Jane begins to know what people want before they even order.  I enjoyed this book because of how unique it was.  I would have never thought of matching people based on what coffee they drink.  This was enjoyable because  of the precision of her matching.  I loved how she could see someone’s personality through their favorite drink.  I would definitely recommend this book to others because it is not predictable or cliche.  This book is refreshingly new compared to other plots.  This book also leaves a reader hanging on to the last page.

Naruto, Misashi Kishimoto
Reviewed by: Taylor, Grade 9
Rating: Excellent!
This book is about ninjas and a boy named Uzumaki.  Naruto has an evil sealed inside him.  He also wants to be Hokage, the best of the best.  But as the series goes on, his best friend becomes dark, evil, and his goal is to bring him back.  I enjoyed this because it’s full of action, suspense, etc.  Just a can’t-put-down graphic novel.  All the conflicts that Kishimoto played into the plotline makes themawesome and intense books.  I would recommend this to others if they’re into this kind of genre (action, suspense, adventure, etc.) and also Japanese culture.  But they’re a really good graphic novel series.

The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner, Stephenie Meyer
Reviewed by: Lemlem, Grade 9
Rating: Excellent!
This book takes you back to Eclipse but through the eyes of newborn vampire, Bree Tanner.  As Eclipse readers remember, Bree was the one who “surrendered.”  This book shows Bree’s short life as a newborn vampire: her beliefs, thoughts, feelings, all spread out for you to read.  Gives you a new perspective on newborns.  I really liked this book, even though it was really short and I knew how it ended.  Still learning about Bree’s life was exciting and seeing Bella through an unbiased vampire’s eyes was cool too.  I never expected there to be depth to the newborns until I saw how humane (mostly) she was.  Bree is a wonderful character and I was happy to learn more about her short second life.  This book’s great.  Obviously I recommend it to all Twilight fans.  And Stephenie Meyer fans.  In Twilight, you got a one way view of Bella & her infatuation with Edward, so of course she liked the vampires.   But with Bree you see the “bad guys” (newborns) too.  It just seems like Bree was changed by the wrong people.  Love here none the less.

Glass, Ellen Hopkins
Reviewed by: Sage, Grade 8
Rating: Good!
This book is mainly about drugs.  It’s about a girl named Kristina who gets hooked on horrible drugs and must deal with the addiction.  I enjoyed this book because it was very engaging and a fun read.  Also it taught me about how drugs affect people in an awful way.  I would recommend this to others because if someone is looking for an easy read with a good lesson this is the book for them.

This Present Darkness, Frank E. Peretti
Reviewed by: Colby, Grade 8
Rating: Excellent!
Ashton is a typical American town but it’s about to be at the heart of a spiritual battle.  When strange things begin happening, a pastor and a newspaper editor start to investigate.  They uncover a plot to take over the town and eventually, the world.  I enjoyed this book because Frank Peretti knows hot to keep readers in suspense.  He keeps readers intrigued and reading on for more.  This is a wonderful book for teens interested in fiction or Christian literature.

Chasing Brooklyn, Lisa Schroeder
Reviewed by: Alexis, Grade 10
Rating: Good!
Brooklyn is a teenage girl who recently lost her boyfriend, Lucca, to a car accident involving alcohol.  When Lucca’s close friend, Gabe, can’t cope with the pain, he commits suicide.  Throughout the book Lucca’s older brother Nico chases Brooklyn to save her from pain.  I enjoyed this book because it teaches kids hold on and pull through life’s struggles.  Also, it was an easy read that I finished in two days.  Brooklyn’s actions, which changed frequently, were very realistic for a girl in her position.  I would recommend this to teens who have either lost someone close, or would simply like to read a quick book.  This book shows the difficulty of losing a close loved one, yet shows how one can also move on.

The Two Towers, J.R.R. Tolkien
Reviewed by: Carly, Grade 10
Rating: Excellent!
The second part of The Lord of the Rings tells of what happened to Merry and Pippin after Boromin is killed defending them and how Aragon, Legolas, and Grimli chase after them across Rohan and through the Fanghorn Forest.  All the while, Frodo brings the ring ever closer to Mondor.  I thoroughly enjoyed the enthralling plot of this book and its sense of adventure, bravery, and friendship.  There are cliffhangers at the end of every chapter and Tolkien never fails to keep the reader reading with the suspenseful anticipation of what will happen next.  I would most certainly recommend this to all readers young and old who raced through books like Harry Potter and the Inheritance books.  The Lord of the Rings is a book that holds excitement for all fantasy lovers.

Gone, Michael Grant
Reviewed by: Taisha, Grade 10
Rating: Excellent!
All adults and kids over the age of 15 disappear.  Kids under 14 are left to fend for themselves, and some begin doing crazy things to try to be in charge.   This was entertaining and I enjoyed that the storyline was different from others I’ve read.  I recommend this to anyone who loves a great book and who loves fantasies.

Red Scarf Girl, Ji-Li Jiang
Reviewed by: Alexis, Grade 10
Rating: Excellent!
Seen through the eyes of an adolescent girl in a well off family in Shanghai, Ji-Li tells all of the cultural revolution and how one year changed her life and stole her innocence.  I thoroughly enjoyed this book because of its innocent narration from the eyes of young Ji-Li.  Also this book allows one to see what really occurred in China first hand.  It gives America more insight on China and communism with its intense and serious nature.  It has taught me more about China and allowed me to make an opinion on their cultural revolution and chairman Mao.  I would recommend this to any history buff like myself.  It explains what many do not know or understand in China.  This memoir has an enlightening end that gives the reader a better understanding and a great resolution for Ji-Li.

Eragon, Christopher Paolini
Reviewed by: Meghan, Grade 7
Rating: Excellent!
When Eragon finds a polished blue stone in the forest while hunting, he doesn’t realize what it really is: a dragon’s egg.  One that was stolen from the evil King Galbatorix.  Once the egg hatches, it sets him on a journey with lots of excitement and adventure.  I loved this.  It was always exciting and mysterious at the same time.  I finished it in almost 2 days.  I would recommend it for anybody who likes fantasy and adventure because this book is full of it.

The Bar Code Tattoo, Suzanne Weyn
Reviewed by: Madelynn, Grade 8
Rating: Good!
This is about a girl in a period of time in the future where everyone must get a bar code tattoo, and she won’t because it has brought a great deal of trouble to her family.  I enjoyed this because it was exciting and adventurous and you never know what could happen next.  Just when you thought Kayla’s life couldn’t get any worse…think again.  I would recommend this because I really enjoyed it and I think others will too if they like adventure novels.

The Invisible Man, H.G. Wells
Reviewed by: Lemlem, Grade 9
Rating: Eh.
This book’s about an Invisible Man, as you would expect.  Walking into a new town wrapped up with only his nose in view, he becomes a curious topic.  The townspeople gossip of what he could be hiding, never guessing the truth.  I did not really enjoy this because I had really high expectations for it, since it’s mentioned in other books like The Wright 3.  It sounded really good, but in truth it was just a creepy story about an angry invisible man.  Truly creepy.  I wouldn’t recommend it because it really wasn’t all that interesting.  I got bored half way through so I doubt others would like it.


Published on August 1, 2010.

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