Here’s a look at some of the newest teen books received this week:

, Margo Lanagan
On remote Rollrock Island, men go to sea to make their livings–and to catch their wives. The witch Misskaella knows the way of drawing a girl from the heart of a seal, of luring the beauty out of the beast. And for a price a man may buy himself a lovely sea-wife.

Butter, Erin Jade Lange
Unable to control his binge eating, a morbidly obese teenager nicknamed Butter decides to make live webcast of his last meal as he attempts to eat himself to death.


Caught (The Missing, Book 5), Margaret Peterson Haddix (2013 Teen Book Festival Author)
When Jonah and Katherine travel to early 1900s Switzerland and Serbia to return Albert Einstein’s daughter, Lieserl, to history, her mother Mileva grasps entirely too much about time travel and has no intention of letting her daughter go.

Carnival of Souls, Melissa Marr
A centuries-long war between daimons and witches sets the stage for three teens caught up in a deadly struggle for power and autonomy in the exotic and otherworldly Carnival of Souls, the mercantile center of the daimon dimension.

The Crown of Embers, Rae Carson
Seventeen-year-old princess turned war queen Elisa, struggling to earn trust and respect inside her court, sets out on an adventure to find the mythical source of the Godstone’s power as her country crumbles and her enemies resurface.

The Dark Unwinding, Sharon Cameron
In 1852, when seventeen-year-old Katharine is sent to her family’s estate to prove that her uncle is insane, she finds he is an inventor whose work creating ingenious clockwork figures supports hundreds of families, but strange occurences soon have her doubting her own sanity.

The Demon Catchers of Milan, Kat Beyer
After surviving being possessed by a demon, sixteen-year-old Mia leaves her family in New York to stay with cousins in Milan, Italy, where she must study her family’s heritage of demon catching in order to stay alive.

The Diviners, Libba Bray
Seventeen-year-old Evie O’Neill is thrilled when she is exiled from small-town Ohio to New York City in 1926, even when a rash of occult-based murders thrusts Evie and her uncle, curator of The Museum of American Folklore, Superstition, and the Occult, into the thick of the investigation.

The Encyclopedia of Me, Karen Rivers
As Tink Aaron-Martin writes an encyclopedia of her life, she also tells the story of the summer leading into her eighth-grade year.

False Memory, Dan Krokos (2013 Teen Book Festival Author)
Soon after seventeen-year-old Miranda awakens with no memory, she discovers that she can release a mysterious energy that incites pure terror in everyone around her except Peter, who tells her she is part of an elite force of genetically-altered teens.


Fateful, Claudia Gray
When seventeen-year-old Tess Davies, a ladies’ maid, meets handsome Alec Marlow aboard the RMS “Titanic,” she quickly becomes entangled in the dark secrets of his past, but her growing love puts her in mortal peril even before fate steps in.

Fathomless, Jackson Pearce
Celia, who shares mental powers with her triplet sisters, finds competition for a handsome boy with Lo, a sea monster who must persuade a mortal to love her and steal his soul to earn back her humanity.

Flesh & Bone (Rot & Ruin, Book 3), Jonathan Maberry
Benny, Nix, Lou, and Lilah journey through a fierce wilderness that was once America searching for the jet they saw months ago, while evading fierce animals and a new kind of zombie.


Illuminate, Aimee Agresti
A brainy, shy high school outcast interning at a Chicago hotel discovers that the hotel staff has an evil agenda planned for her classmates on prom night.

The Infects, Sean Beaudoin
Seventeen-year-old Nero is stuck in the wilderness with a bunch of other juvenile delinquents on an “Inward Trek.” As if that weren’t bad enough, his counselors have turned into flesh-eating maniacs overnight and are now chowing down on his fellow miscreants. These kids have seen zombie movies. They know the rules. Unfortunately, knowing the rules isn’t going to be enough.

The Lost Code, Kevin Emerson
In a world ravaged by global warming, teenage Owen Parker discovers that he may be the descendant of a highly advanced, ancient race, with whose knowledge he may be able to save the earth from self-destruction.

Monument 14, Emmy Laybourne
Trapped inside a chain superstore by an apocalyptic sequence of natural and human disasters, six high school kids from various popular and unpopular social groups struggle for survival while protecting a group of younger children.

My Life Undecided, Jessica Brody (2013 Teen Book Festival Author)
Fifteen-year-old Brooklyn Pierce is tired of making bad decisions, so she starts a blog where she puts her readers in charge of her life and leaves the choices to them, but she soon learns there are some things in life that simply cannot be chosen by other people–like who she should fall in love with–and soon things are more screwed up than ever.

Origin, Jessica Khoury
Pia has grown up in a secret laboratory hidden deep in the Amazon rain forest and is genetically engineered to be immortal and be the future of the human race, but on the night of her seventeenth birthday, Pia discovers a hole in the electric fence that surrounds her sterile home and sneaks outside the compound for the first time in her life.

Outpost (Sequel to Enclave), Anne Aguirre
Deuce struggles for respect in a new topside town where she is treated like a child and avoided by Fade, a situation that compels her to volunteer for patrol duty and protect topside citizens from an unexpected upsurge in Freak activities.

The Raven Boys, Maggie Stiefvater
Though she is from a family of clairvoyants, Blue Sargent’s only gift seems to be that she makes other people’s talents stronger, and when she meets Gansey, one of the Raven Boys from the expensive Aglionby Academy, she discovers that he has talents of his own–and that together their talents are a dangerous mix.

Shadowfell, Juliet Marillier
Fifteen-year-old Neryn is alone in the land of Alban, where the oppressive king has ordered anyone with magical strengths captured, but when she sets out for Shadowfell, a training ground for a rebel group, she meets a mysterious soldier and the Good Folk, who tell her that she, alone, can save Alban.

Shadows (Sequel to Ashes), Ilsa J. Bick
When Alex discovers that Rule is not a sanctuary, she must battle to survive against conniving adults, distrusting survivors, and the Changed, who would eat her alive.


Tilt, Ellen Hopkins (2013 Teen Book Festival Author)
Three teens, connected by their parents’ bad choices, tell in their own voices of their lives and loves as Shane finds his first boyfriend, Mikayla discovers that love can be pushed too far, and Harley loses herself in her quest for new experiences.

True Legend, Mike Lupica
Fifteen-year-old Drew “True” Robinson loves being the best point-guard prospect in high school basketball, but learns the consequences of fame through a former player, as well as through the man who expects to be his manager when True reaches the NBA.

Undead, Kirsty McKay
On a school trip to snowbound Scotland, several students become infected and turn into hungry zombies, leaving a small band of survivors to take refuge in the school bus.

Published on October 5, 2012.

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