, Anna Sheehan
Sixteen-year-old Rosalinda Fitzroy, heir to the multiplanetary corporation UniCorp, is awakened after sixty years in stasis to find that everyone she knew has died and as she tries to make a new life for herself, learns she is the target of a robot assassin.

Sign Language, Amy Ackley
Teenaged Abby must deal with her feelings about her father’s cancer and its aftermath while simultaneously navigating the difficult problems of growing up.


Sweetly, Jackson Pearce
When the owner of a candy shop molds magical treats that instill confidence, bravery, and passion, eighteen-year-old Gretchen’s haunted childhood memories of her twin sister’s abduction by a witch-like monster begin to fade until girls start vanishing at the annual chocolate festival.

This Dark Endeavor: The Apprenticeship of Victor Frankenstein, Kenneth Oppel
When his twin brother falls ill in the family’s chateau in the independent republic of Geneva in the eighteenth century, sixteen-year-old Victor Frankenstein embarks on a dangerous and uncertain quest to create the forbidden Elixir of Life described in an ancient text in the family’s secret Biblioteka Obscura.

Published on August 25, 2011.

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