unquiet, Jeannine Garsee
Rated: Excellent!
Reviewed by: Hannah, Grade 8
Review: Several years ago, Annaliese died in the pool at her school. Rinn has to stop her from killing her friends and haunting her. I enjoyed this book very much. You just can’t put the book down with its mystery, romance, madness, and a dangerous ghost. I would recommend this book to others because it is very suspenseful.

rivalRival, Sara Bennett Wealer
Rated: Good!
Reviewed by: Hannah, Grade 8
Review: Kathryn and Brooke were best friends for a while until some small acts of betrayal drove them apart. Now they are worst enemies. Will they ever be able to make amends? I enjoyed this book because it is told from two different points of view, Brooke’s and Kathryn’s. I would recommend this book to anyone that can read because it is super interesting.

The Bar Code Prophecy, Suzanne Weyn
Rated: Good!
Reviewed by: Charlise, Grade 6
Review: A girl is just turning 17 and everyone is expecting new things once she gets her bar code tattoo. She also has a crush on this boy named Eric. Then everything changes. I did enjoy this book because I like mystery and all the unexpected things in it. I would recommend this to other readers because it is something all people can relate to about not fitting in and stuff like that.

Inside Out and Back Again, Thanhha Lai
Rated: Excellent!
Reviewed by: Hiba, Grade 8
Review: This book is about a girl who lives in Saigon. In Saigon, there is a war and her dad is one of the soldiers. At the end of the war, she moves to Alabama and starts a new life. Her father does not return. I enjoyed this book because it showed what most people went through and how hard it was to survive and much little they have. I would recommend it to others because it shows how hard their life is and how it was in Saigon.

poisonPoison, Bridget Zinn
Rated: Excellent!
Reviewed by: Charlise, Grade 7
Review: A sixteen-year-old girl happens to be a master potion maker and a princess. She is trying to kill the fake princess and meets a charming adventurer named Fred. It enjoyed this book because it was something I never expected and because she is falling in love and meeting new people. It is something everyone can enjoy.

The Dead and Buried, Kim Harrington
Rated: Excellent!
Reviewed by: Hiba, Grade 8
Review: A girl named Jade moves into a haunted house after her mom died. Her brother says he sees a glowing girl in his room. The girl threatens Jade and says, “If you don’t find who pushed me, I will do the same thing to your brother.” It’s really scary. You don’t know what’s going to happen. It’s also kind of fun. I would recommend this book because it’s really interesting. You get to learn how to investigate.

badcursedFrom Bad to Cursed, Katie Alender
Rated: Good!
Reviewed by: Hiba, Grade 8
Review: This is about a group of girls who join a club that is run by a spirit. At graduation day they must sacrifice one of themselves. Alexis and her sister must stop them. I enjoyed the book because it had a lot of mysteries. You don’t know what will happen next. I would recommend this book to others because it is full of mystery and twists, and some people like to read things that are scary.

Entwined, Heather Dixon
Rated: Good!
Reviewed by: Hannah, Grade 8
Review: Azalea and her many sisters’ mother died. They king, also their father, is off away at war when they discover a magical secret passageway where they meet the Keeper. I enjoyed this book because it is like a princess story with the undead creeping through every corner. I would recommend this book to people who enjoy princess stores and also enjoy “living dead” stories.

deadwinterThe Dead of Winter, Chris Priestley
Rated: Good!
Reviewed by Hannah, Grade 8
Review: Michael’s mother and father have died, so he is sent to live with Sir Stephens. He begins to notice odd things about the manor. I enjoyed this book because you can’t put it down. Suspense, surprise, and tragedy are around every corner. I would recommend this book to people who love a good mystery and/or ghost story.

beyondBeyond: A Ghost Story, Graham McNamee
Rated: Excellent!
Reviewed by: Hannah, Grade 8
Review: Jane’s shadow has a life of its own and for here that is not a good thing. Jane’s shadow is on a suicide mission and trying to kill Jane. Why and how it’s happening? Well, she doesn’t know. I enjoyed this book very much. It is a ghost thriller bone chiller that you just can’t put down until the very end. I would recommend this book to others, especially if they enjoy spooky ghost stories that always keep you guessing.

Published on July 11, 2013.

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