Legend, Marie Lu
In a dark future, when North America has split into two warring nations, fifteen-year-olds Day, a famous criminal, and prodigy June, the brilliant soldier hired to capture him, discover that they have a common enemy.

Outlaw, Stephen Davies
The children of Britain’s ambassador to Burkina Faso, fifteen-year-old Jake, who loves technology and adventure, and thirteen-year-old Kas, a budding social activist, are abducted and spend time in the Sahara desert with Yakuuba Sor, who some call a terrorist but others consider a modern-day Robin Hood.

Ruthless: A Pretty Little Liars Novel, Sara Shepard
Hanna, Spencer, Emily and Aria are trying to move on and forget about their old friend Alison DiLaurentis and all the torture she put them through, but someone is trying to keep her spirit alive.

Published on December 9, 2011.

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