, Carrie Ryan
Alone and listening to the moaning of the Dark City dying around her, Annah wants to find her way back home, to her sister and family and their village in the Forest of Hands and Teeth.


Early to Death, Early to Rise, Kim Harrison
When Madison Avery, seventeen, spunky, and technically dead, takes on the role of Dark Timekeeper, she struggles to figure out her place in the war between light and dark reapers.

Nightspell, Leah Cypess
Sent by her father, the king of Raellia, who is trying to forge an empire out of warring tribes, Darri arrives in Ghostland and discovers that her sister, whom she planned to rescue, may not want to leave this land where the dead mingle freely with the living.

Spoiled, Heather Cocks & Jessica Morgan
When her mother dies, sixteen-year-old Molly moves from Indiana to California, to live with her newly discovered father, a Hollywood megastar, and his pampered teenaged daughter.

Published on June 1, 2012.

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