The test kit was on sale. You bought one, dutifully deposited your saliva in the plastic tube and mailed it in. Now, a few weeks later the results are in: haplotypes and ethnicity estimates, something about earwax type, and a giant list of 537 people who (apparently) are your kinfolk. It is all a bit overwhelming.

The next meeting of the IPL Genealogy Group will cut through the distractions and walk you through the exact steps to take to find, organize, and interpret shared matches, a technique that works with all the major DNA testing services, and can be done with a spreadsheet, a word processor, or even a stack of index cards. Using this technique, we’ll make sense of the chaos and start extracting genealogical value from our DNA.

DNA for the Overwhelmed: Easy First Steps for Working with Shared Matches will be presented by Robert Cameron Weir, a professional genealogist from Dover, New Hampshire. Rob is a 12th generation New Englander with 16 years experience in genealogical research. He also has a certificate in Genealogical Research from Boston University’s Center for Professional Education and is a member of the Association for Professional Genealogists.

This presentation will be held on Wednesday, July 27, at 7 PM, and is designed to be a practical “how to” talk on genetic genealogy. Jargon will be kept to a minimum, and no prior background with genetic genealogy will be assumed.

You’ll have a choice of attending this meeting of the IPL Genealogy Group in person at the library or at home via Zoom. Registration with an email address is required through our Event Calendar, and those who choose the online option will receive an email with the login information for Zoom.

Published on July 22, 2022.

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