Did you know that in Japan, the crane is a holy symbol? Legend says that the one who folds 1000 cranes will be granted a wish.

In March of this year, a terrible earthquake and tsunami devastated parts of Japan and damaged several nuclear reactors. The people of Japan are still suffering and struggling to recover. Especially the children.

As part of our Summer Reading theme, “One World, Many Stories,” the Irondequoit Public Library is asking the community to help us fold 1000 paper cranes to send to a school in Japan. Let the children of Japan know you are thinking of them. Show your support for the Japanese recovery effort.

Don’t know how to fold a paper crane? Ask for printed directions at the information desk. If you are at the McGraw Branch, Mrs. Otto will be happy to show you how to fold one.

You can bring your folded cranes to either branch of the Irondequoit Public Library. If you would like, you may write a brief message on the wings of your crane. Once we have 1000 cranes, we will send them to the Japanese school.

For an interesting story to read about the paper cranes, check out Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes by Eleanor Coerr.

Thanks for your help.

Published on August 10, 2011.

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