More wild animals will be coming to the library on Friday, August 11, at 4:00 PM for Crunchy Sam’s Critters.

This exotic animal show is aimed at celebrating the differences and finding common ground between humans and some of the stranger animals we share the planet with. The show combines life sciences, environmental stewardship, and the joys of seeing something new to bring smiles to faces and answers to questions.

Lifelong creepy-crawly-catcher Sam Hunt will help audiences confront questions like “How similar am I to a giant hissing cockroach?” or “How do geckos stick to things without being sticky?” and the ever-present “What does that animal feel like?” Learning about animals is the best way to squash fears, build respect, and start conversations about caring for something entirely unlike yourself.

Everyone appreciates nature, Sam just loves the crunchier members of it… and we hope you’ll learn why.

Crunchy Sam’s Critters is designed for tweens and teens, and if you’d like to attend, please register now through our Event Calendar.

Published on August 7, 2023.

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