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Matt Krueger, Assistant Director
Amy Holland, Children’s Services Librarian
The Irondequoit Public Library is committed to creating inclusive and accessible events. To request a reasonable accommodation or discuss your needs, please contact one of our Inclusion Coordinators or call the library at 585-336-6060.
Matt and Amy are available to provide orientation tours to people with disabilities. Fill out the Contact Form to schedule a time.
All IPL staff are trained Inclusion Ambassadors, and we invite you to join us! Register to take a free three-hour online training course, appropriate for grade 5 and up. Earn three hours of professional development credit while learning how to take action towards creating a more inclusive community. Sign up now at Rochester Accessible Adventures.
For details on the accessibility of our building, please visit our entry on the Inclusive Recreation Resource Center database.

Spitfire EX Mobility Scooters
Parked by the staircase. Ask for the key at the Information Desk in front of the stairs. (Specifications)

Stored by main entrance. Available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Stored by main entrance. Available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Adjustable Catalog Stands
Raise or lower the adjustable arm to position the screen at a height that works for you. Located throughout the library.

Adjustable Computer Desk
Press a button to raise or lower the desk to a height that works for you (from 27-45 inches). Located in the second-floor computer lab.

Calm Boxes
Calm Boxes are designed to engage people of all ages and ability levels and can be used to relieve stress.

C-Pen Reader
Scan full paragraphs or single words and listen to the text being read out automatically. Learn more about the C-Pen (and how to borrow it) on the Maker’s Lab page.
The library follows all ADA Guidelines regarding service animals.
Service animals are defined as dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities.
Under the ADA, State and local governments, businesses, and nonprofit organizations that serve the public generally must allow service animals to accompany people with disabilities in all areas of the facility where the public is allowed to go.
All service animals must be under the control of the owner and that the owner is responsible for taking it out for bathroom breaks as needed. Service animals must also be harnessed, leashed, or tethered, unless the individual’s disability prevents using these devices or these devices interfere with the service animal’s safe, effective performance of tasks.
Library programs are open and beneficial to all. We invite people with physical and/or cognitive disabilities to attend any of our activities and will strive to support individual needs. If you need accommodations to participate, please notify one of our Inclusion Coordinators one week prior to the program.
View our Event Calendar for details on upcoming programs.
For Adults
— Large Print Books
Located on the first floor behind the staircase.
— Books on CD
Located on the second floor by the stairs.
For Teens and Tweens
All items located in the Teen Library on the second floor.
— Large Print and Braille Books
— Books on CD
— Playaways
Pre-loaded audiobook on a compact device with no internet or wi-fi connection required. Patrons may use their own headphones or purchase a set of earbuds from the circulation desk for $3.24.
For Kids
All items located in the Children’s Library on the first floor.
— Large Print and Braille Books
— Books on CD
— Playaways
— Vox and Wonderbooks
Picture books equipped with an audio device that reads the story aloud.
Patrons who have limited ability to leave home and/or have inconsistent access to transportation due to health or disability may apply for a card with AT HOME status. Features:
Designate a proxy to pick up library materials
No fees for overdue materials
No fees for holds
Card will renew automatically on an annual basis if used regularly
Use this Printable Application or pick up a hard copy at the library.
Only want to access digital materials? If you’re a Monroe County resident with a valid email address, you can sign up for an E-Card. You’ll be able to access MCLS digital materials right from home, including:
Bestselling eBooks and eAudiobooks
Digital movies
A wide variety of research databases and articles
Already have a regular Monroe County Library System card? You do not need an E-Card; you already have access to all MCLS digital materials.
Provided by staff at the Central Library’s Outreach Department.
If you reside in Monroe County and love to read, but you’re unable to get to the library because of health or disability, you may qualify for the Outreach Department’s library delivery service. For more information about the program and how to apply, call 585-428-8311 or email
New York State Library for Braille and Talking Books
PHONE: 1-800-342-3688 (M-F, 9-4:30)
Irondequoit Ambulance Loan Closet
Borrow walkers, crutches, wheelchairs, and canes.
PHONE: 585-544-5112